Pacojet 4: new and improve kitchen partner

More than an ice cream machine

The Pacojet is a highly versatile machine that can bring about culinary innovation in any kitchen. Whether it's chefs making unique macarons and tarts or mixologists crafting trendy cocktails, the Pacojet can handle it all. Every dish made with the Pacojet is guaranteed to be sheer perfection.

Here are some of the Pacojet recipes that you can create:

Recipes for Pastries

Lavender Ganache

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsLavender Ganache

  • 400 g white chocolate

  • 100 g milk

  • 150 g cream

  • 120 g raspberry

  • 1 g lavender flowers

Recipe Preparation

  • Put the chocolate in a bowl. Heat the milk and cream with the lavender flowers until boiling. Pour the hot milk/cream over the chocolate, let it sit for 5 minutes, then stir and pour it into the Pacotizing® beaker. Close the lid and label it.

  • Freeze at −20 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • When you're ready to use it, pacotize® it 3 times and use it as a filling for macarons and decorate with lavenders.

Nougat ganache

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsNougat ganache

  • 115 g hazelnuts

  • 150 g milk

  • 225 g milk chocolate

  • 150 g cream

  • 45 g powdered sugar

Recipe Preparation

  • Heat the milk and sugar until boiling, then pour it over the chocolate. Let it sit for a short while, then add the hazelnuts. Mix everything and let it cool. Stir in the cream and pour the mixture into a pacotizing® beaker.

  • Close the beaker with the lid and label it. Freeze it at -20 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • When you're ready to use it, pacotize® it once with overpressure.

Raspberry Caramel Ganache

 Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)


  • 150 g raspberries

  • 300 g caramel chocolate

  • 300 g cream

  • 60 g powdered sugar

Recipe Preparation

  • Bring the cream and sugar to a boil, then pour it over the chocolate and let it sit for 5 minutes. Afterwards, add the raspberries, stir well, and let it cool down. Once cooled, stir in the cream and pour the mixture into a pacotizing® beaker.

  • Close the pacotizing® beaker with its lid, label it, and freeze it at −20 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • When you're ready to use it, pacotize® it 3 times with overpressure.

Recipes for Cocktails

Pacojet Gin

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsPacojet Gin

  • 15 g juniper berries

  • 5 g orange peel

  • 5 g ginger

  • 5 g coriander seeds

  • 80 g water

  • 1000 g neutral alcohol or vodka 45%

Recipe Preparation

  • Gently toast the spices and then pour them into a pacotizing® beaker along with the orange zest and ginger. Cover everything with water.

  • Close the beaker with its lid, label it, and freeze it at -20 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • When needed, pacotize® it with normal pressure, mix it with the alcohol, and strain it through a fine sieve before using.

Strawberry Rhubarb Cocktail

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsStrawberry Rhubarb Cocktail

Rhubarb syrup:

  • 500 g rhubarb

  • 4 g vanilla bean

  • 200 g sugar

  • 400 g water

Strawberry-Rhubarb Cocktail:

  • 300 g strawberries

  • 350 g rhubarb syrup

  • 5 g lime zest

Recipe Preparation

Rhubarb syrup:

Cut the rhubarb into small pieces and boil it with water, sugar, and vanilla. Let it steep for 10 minutes, then strain. Squeeze the rhubarb to collect the juice. Boil all the ingredients together again and fill them into a sterilized bottle.

Strawberry-Rhubarb Cocktail:

  • Gently mash the strawberries and pour them into a pacotizing® beaker along with the rhubarb syrup and lime zest.

  • Close the beaker with its lid, label it, and freeze it at -20 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • If needed, pacotize® it once without applying overpressure.

TIP: Pour one portion into a glass, add Prosecco, and garnish with mint.

Frozen Olive Vodka Sour

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsFrozen Olive Vodka Sour

  • 75 g vodka

  • 75 g lemon juice

  • 75 g sugar syrup

  • 225 g water

  • 15 g pitted green olives

  • 10 g olive brine

Recipe Preparation

  • Combine all ingredients in a pacotizing® beaker.

  • Close the beaker with its lid, label it, and freeze it at -23 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • Pacotize® it with overpressure 4 to 6 times and freeze it again. If needed, pacotize® it once with the Jet® mode.

Recipes for Dessert

Earl Grey Ice Cream

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsEarl Grey Ice Cream

  • 250 g milk

  • 250 g cream

  • 20 g Earl Grey tea leaves

  • 100 g egg yolks

  • 70 g sugar

Recipe Preparation

  • Infuse the milk, cream, and Earl Grey tea leaves for 48 hours, then strain and bring to a boil. Combine the egg yolks and sugar, then stir them into the mixture. Heat the mixture to 82°C while stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into a pacotizing® beaker.

  • Close the beaker with its lid, label it, and freeze it at -20 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • If needed, pacotize® it once without applying overpressure.

Lychee Sorbet

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsLychee Sorbet

  • 1000 g lychees

  • 100 g sugar syrup

Recipe Preparation

  • Peel the lychees, remove the seeds, and blend them thoroughly. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve, then mix it with the sugar syrup. Season with fruit acid and pour the mixture into a pacotizing® beaker.

  • Close the beaker with its lid, label it, and freeze it at -20 °C for at least 24 hours.

  • If needed, pacotize® it once without applying overpressure.

Croissant ice cream

Equipment: 1 pacotizing® beaker (1 pacotizing® beaker = 10 portions)

Recipe-IngredientsCroissant ice cream

  • 550g milk

  • 150g cream

  • 100g sugar

  • 50g skimmed milk powder

  • 100g croissant

  • 2g ice cream binder

Recipe Preparation

  • Cut the croissants into pieces and toast them in the oven at 160°C for approximately 20 minutes until they turn golden brown. Meanwhile, mix the remaining ingredients and bring them to a boil. Add the toasted croissants and remove from the heat. Cover and let it sit for 20 minutes.

  • Cover it with a lid, label it, and freeze it at -20°C for at least 24 hours.

  • When needed, pacotize® it.

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