Displayware & Buffet

Rosseto Custom Displayware

Product Description

Rosseto's serving and display products are unique because you can change and connect pieces into countless configurations in different materials, finishes and heights - so your station always has a fresh look and feel! We can customise these products so that you can have a system that's versatile and works for you! You can transform a breakfast buffet into a boardroom lunch, any conference or event, a cocktail evening or refreshments in the lobby. The choice is yours!

Mixing and matching to suit your decor? You can easily create your own unique buffet - combine Bakery Cases and Drawers, Cereal Dispensers, Multi-level risers Beverage Dispensers, and much more!

Southern Hospitality Ltd is proud to represent Rosseto and we can get any type of Rosseto product perfect for your display needs.

Here are some examples of what you can do with these highly customisable products



If You Are Interested In Any Of The Products Shown Above We Can Work With You To Sort Out Your Needs. Give Us A Call At 0800 503 335 Or Email Us At [email protected] To Get A Competitive Price.


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